Riccia beyrichiana
Distinguishing Features
Ephemeral and rare, R. beyrichiana forms small (<1cm) and often incomplete green-to-purple rosettes on fine, seasonally moist soils. The presence of small (use your hand lens!), clear and conical cilia along the margins is helpful. Care must be taken to inspect the margins from the underside when possible. The thallus segments tend to be swollen around the margin with a prominent notch at the very tip of each thallus segment.
Similar species
When young, this species is hard to distinguish from other Riccia species. At maturity, the small number of robust cilia (look closely at photos) are unique.
Seasonally moist humus over rock outcrops, mineral soil, seepage sites, and ephemeral pools in the lowland and steppe (rare) zones; rare in sw [Georgia Depression] and sc BC.
Associated species
Gemmabryum barnesii, Pottia truncata, Riccia cavernosa, Riccia trichocarpa, Riccia sorocarpa, Pleuridium acuminatum, Philonotis sp.